Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Friday February 8 through Thursday February 14, 2008

Friday, February 8, 2008
Undiscovered Tomb - 2002 Chinese, no English audio

From the director of Shaolin vs Evil Dead, but not nearly as extravagant as previous titles. The action is a lot more lower key, but more believable. Alas, this is offset by the cheap/obvious CGI (snakes, scorpions, even entire backdrops). Cave scenes were good, though. Sucky ending. No extras.

Sunday, February 10, 2008
Undead or Alive - 2007

Okay, I'm thinking this must be a comedy/horror, a zombedy. Add the western element, pretty entertaining. Hey, there's Navi Rawat, who was in Feast! Very nice. Good mix of funny and gore.

Commentary features the director Glasgow Phillips, actors Chris Kattan, James Denton, and Navi Rawat . Pretty fun, some technical, some background, some reminiscing. Good mix.

So, previously, the director was a writer on South Park? That's interesting. Only other extra is From South Park to Wild, Wild West. Interviews and historical background.

Monday, February 11, 2008
The Sexperts - 1965

Oh my god, it's produced by William Mishkin. He funded a lot of Andy Milligan's work. The director is listed as J. Nehemiah is actually Jerald Intrator, who gave us Satan in High Heels and Striporama.

No dialogue, just narration. Funny how they cut in older loops and try to pretend they're from the same movie. The fact that they're in color kinda gives it away.

And then it just ends.

Extras on disc 1 are a set of nudie loops from the 50's and before. Disc 2 are nude loops from 1965. Wow! These girls are a LOT more homely than the ones on a SWV disc. Retro-Seduction Cinema obviously gets the cast offs.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Ricco - The Mean Machine - 1973 aka Cauldron of Death Italy

Well, there's gonna be gore! Well, maybe I spoke too soon. But there is some nice boobage. Some pretty disgusting moments. It's sort of a Chuck Norris movie. He's gonna kick ass now that they've killed everyone around him. Nice exploitation flick. Cool that this kinda flick has come out. So, what we have here is an Italian roughie, sort of a pre-Giallo. It's a crime drama actually, with the violence ramped up at spots. Interesting.

Only extra is a mean machine featurette, from the star who is the son of Robert Mitchum. Real interesting history.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Friday the 13th Double Feature
Friday the 13th - 1980

Kevin Bacon as a child. Adrienne King (Alice) is pretty and a good actress, but after parts 1 & 2, she got into doing looping voices, and didn't appear any more. Too bad.

Betsy Palmer does a great job (and I'm not just saying that because she was so nice to me and fun to talk to at Texas Frightmare #1). She goes from "nice lady next door" to unhinged so smoothly, that's what makes it creepy. It's just this slow, steady descent into madness.

But I still have a question that I want answered. If that little boy at the end is Jason, why does he not age for years and years, and then between Parts 1 & 2 (which I think they say is five years, except the intro) why does he catch up, aging wise?

Friday the 13th, Part 2 - 1981

First six and a half minutes of this film is the last 10 minutes of Part 1. Now THAT'S being frugal. I wonder if Savani gets anything for their re-using the head gag from part one? If someone goes to Texas Frightmare this weekend, ask him and post it in the comments.

Interestingly enough, Jason really isn't the efficient killing juggernaut that he becomes in the later movies. He falls, slips, and misses A LOT. I guess practice makes perfect.

There are subtitles on this disc, but no other extras, which is a shame. Still, it was a good deal, and nice to have handy.

Thursday, February 14, 2008
The Slaughter - 2006

Wow, lots of boobs and blood in the first five minutes. That's a very encouraging sign. There's a bunch of really freaky visuals here too. I think they may be trying to be a little artsy. And I don't hate ALL the characters, which is a pleasant surprise. Only a few of them. I wonder if the ones I hate will die first?

And then suddenly, at one hour 15 minutes in, it suddenly becomes Evil Dead. Not too shabby, actually. I know I bitch about crappy, cheap independent movies a lot, but this one is a pleasant surprise. I will have to watch for more from Jay Lee, who was writer, director, cinematographer, and editor. Hmmmm, he's got one in production called Zombie Strippers. Now there's a movie I gotta own!

Other extras include deleted scenes, but it's really just a longer version of an existing scene that adds nothing, and a pretty poor outtakes reel.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

But I still have a question that I want answered. If that little boy at the end is Jason, why does he not age for years and years, and then between Parts 1 & 2 (which I think they say is five years, except the intro) why does he catch up, aging wise?

Let me tell you, Dirkmaster my friend, I am here to help you and answer your question.
The Jason boy who appears at the end of F13 1 and tried to drown Alice is not the Jason we see in later F13 movies. It's a dream and that's her "dream version" of young Jason.
And while I'm at it, Jason didn't die back in the 50's when he "drowned". Speaking as someone else who "drowned" as a child, that doesn't mean you die. How else could he (literally) grow up to an adult? Trust Romero, the dead don't grow up! :)