Monday, June 09, 2008

Friday May 9 through Wednesday May 14, 2008

Friday, May 9 through Saturday May 10, 2008
Criss Angel, MindFreak, Season 3 - 2008

I've written about this amazing illusionist with the previous seasons, but some of these are truly amazing. Some are better than last season, others not so. This season, there was a lot more "behind the scenes", which I really enjoy. Like the getting out of the antique jail. Lots of swallowing and bringing up tools. I sure couldn't do that. On the other hand, this "he could die" interviews are really getting old. No, he's not going to die. I've fairly sure that if he DID die, you wouldn't put that on the DVD.

Other extras include a Behind the scenes featurette. Not so hot. Only one really show'd anything not in the episode. Another featurette 'Criss' Celebrity Guests', totally lame. And there were a few deleted scenes that added nothing, and so weren't missed. But you don't watch this kind of thing for the extras. It's for the amazing illusions, like making an elephant appear from behind a curtain held by people in a circle. Or run over by a steam roller. Or lit on fire and then disappearing out from under a blanket. Astonishing.

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Schoolgirl Report #1, What Parents Don't Think Is Possible - 1970

German docudrama about teen sex in the 60's. Wow, this is a little disturbing. The girl really does look too young. Ahhh, all's well that ends well. And there's a LOT of little titties. Again, making one a little uncomfortable. Ahhh well, I guess this was a more innocent age.

Monday, May 12, 2008
Diaries of the Dead Double Feature
Dead Summer - (nothing in IMDB)

You know, one kind of dialogue that is extremely difficult to reproduce is drunken conversation. This movie, to it's credit, gets it absolutely right. An argument over which cereal character is the toughest. Unfortunately, it's all downhill from there. Cheap, cheap, cheap. Man, this makes The Dead Next Door look like an epic! Terrible, truly terrible.

Deadhunter: Sevillian Zombies - 2003 Spain-US coproduction

Spanish, with hard coded subs. And it's better than Dead Summer. It's not Violent Sh*t, but there's the brown blood (what is up with that?). Terrible music! Loyd Kaufman! Guts, but no blood. So weird. But, it's a zombie movie, and lot Pokemon of ol' - "Gotta get 'em all".

Tuesday, May 13 through May 14, 2008
The 1900 House - 1999 BBC TV Series

British family moves into a house that has been restored and furnished with only what was available in the year 1900. Historically accurate and fascinating. In some ways, pretty predictable. The teenager hates it. Surprisingly, the wife wigs out over the lack of shampoo. Who'd have realized that there wasn't shampoo in 1900.

In fact, that what's the most interesting about this. What was and wasn't available in 1900. And these people take it all a little too seriously. I mean, it's only for three months. Those who know me know I often say "You can do ANYTHING for three months." Having lived on submarines for three months at a time in the 80's, I know you can.


MichaelC said...
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MichaelC said...

Hey Ken,

Well I got the School Girl Report #3 and I think it isn't much different then this one but I guess you see one now you see them all. I love how they passed all these off as "educational" and then make it as graphic as they can for the time.

The thing I like about these is simply seeing the old hair and clothes styles back then. Big hair, ties, afros, jacket lapels and platform shoes are really funny to see.

good stuff anyway.