Tuesday, July 31, 2007

A Short Intermission

We interrupt our regularly scheduled list of my stupid movies for a pitch for Netflix Friends. How many of my readers are NetFlix subscribers? If you are, let's be friends, so we can compare what we are watching. Here is my link:


I've never done this, and am curious if it will be as neat as it sounds. So hopefully someone out there who reads this silly thing I call my blog will be a NetFlix subscriber like me, and we can try it out. And as a bonus, you get see my Queue (scarier than some recent movies, I guarantee!).

I'll post last week's viewings hopefully tomorrow.

1 comment:

PooBahSpiel said...

Dude, I am so totally becoming your netflix friend. Finally someone who rates the movies he has seen. I have other friend on Netscape who have only rated 50 movies or less. I've rated thousands. I think I will have to copy your idea on my blog PooBahSpiel.